Hate cramps while workout? Prevent it!

Muscle cramp, it's one of the worst things that can happen to you during an intense workout session. Cramps can last from a few seconds to annoying several minutes. Some people take it as one bad day, but it can be avoided if taken proper precautions.

Any sort of involuntary contraction of muscle is termed as cramp or spasm. Most say it causes due to hyperactivity of the nerve endings within the muscle tissue.

There are several factors that cause cramps, they are - Electrolyte deficiency, dehydration and mineral / nutrient deficiencies. Intense activity of a particular muscle can also be the cause.

Keep yourself hydrated by consuming water regularly during your session. It is easy to get dehydrated if you do not make an effort to drink water during workout.

Restore electrolytes and fluids - try to give your body the necessary form of electrolytes, potassium, sodium, magnesium and calcium. Most of the BCAA's in the market now have these compounds to help you better.

Lack of flexibility - This is also one of the main causes. So, before you start working on a particular muscle, do dynamic stretches to ensure the muscle is adequately warmed up.

If you are residing in or around Vidyaranyapura and looking for a trusted supplement store, please contact "Aim Health" - 9900065056. Name - Shashi

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