
Millets and It's Facts

1. Sorghum (Jowar); "Same" in Kannada It's  popular Indian crop after wheat, the max amount of cultivated land in India is used for grpwing Jowar. It is a highly nutritious crop, high protein, cholesterol free source of a variety of essential nutrients, including dietary fiber, iron, phosphorus and thiamine. It is a good substitute for people with wheat allergies and good source of vitamin B. Some interesting and tasty recipes: 2. Foxtail Millet; "Navane" in Kannada The importance of foxtail millet was recognised as diabetic food. The millet is rich in diatary fibre, protein and low in fat. Unlike rice, foxtail millet releases glucose steadily without affecting the metabolism of the body. Recipes: 3. Pearl Millet (Bajra); "Sajje" in Kannada Pearl Millet is said to be a millet with iron ...

Natural Fat Burner for people having Thyroid issues

Hi everyone, you must have been tired of looking up for natural fat burning recipes, specially for people having thyroid issues. This recipe is simple and can be done in only couple of minutes. I found this video over YouTube and posting it for all of you: This recipe can be used by people who are don't have thyroid issues as well due to turmeric's natural healing qualities. If you are residing in or around Vidyaranyapura and looking for a trusted supplement store, please contact " Aim Health " - 9900065056. Name - Shashi Visit Facebook Page of Aim Health -

Lose pounds of fat in just few days - Apple Cider Vinegar

People have been fighting against and struggling to lose weight / fat for years now. This simple product called Apple Cidar Vinegar has helped thousands of them world wide lose fat / weight in just few days. ACV does not only help or support lose weight, it has many other miraculous uses. Only three times a day, before every meal and you'd be free from many discomforts. The picture below will blow your mind off: To know how it exactly works and helps, please visit the link: I chose this video after watching many ACV related videos since he talks scientific facts. Important: Use a straw to drink ACV since it harms the teeth enamel. Also, please have patience and avoid over consuming it.  If you are residing in or around Vidyaranyapura and looking for a trusted supplement store, please contact " Aim Health " - 9900065056. Name - Shashi Visit Facebook Page of Aim Health -

Hate cramps while workout? Prevent it!

Muscle cramp, it's one of the worst things that can happen to you during an intense workout session. Cramps can last from a few seconds to annoying several minutes. Some people take it as one bad day, but it can be avoided if taken proper precautions. Causes: Any sort of involuntary contraction of muscle is termed as cramp or spasm. Most say it causes due to hyperactivity of the nerve endings within the muscle tissue. There are several factors that cause cramps, they are - Electrolyte deficiency, dehydration and mineral / nutrient deficiencies. Intense activity of a particular muscle can also be the cause. Prevention: Keep yourself hydrated by consuming water regularly during your session. It is easy to get dehydrated if you do not make an effort to drink water during workout. Restore electrolytes and fluids - try to give your body the necessary form of electrolytes, potassium, sodium, magnesium and calcium. Most of the BCAA's in the market now have these compound...

44 Exercises In One Video!

Only chose 5 exercises everyday to be fit and fine If you are residing in or around Vidyaranyapura and looking for a trusted supplement store, please contact " Aim Health " - 9900065056. Name - Shashi Visit Facebook Page of Aim Health -

Worried about muscle loss and break? BCAA is for you!

Hi Guys, after creatine and L-glutamine, this topic is on BCAA. What is BCAA? It's a combination of amino acids in the ratio 2:1:1, abbreviated Branched Chain Amino Acids. Three types of amino acids make it to BCAA - Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine. Each serving of 5mg contains 2.5gm of Leucine, 1.25gm isoleucine and 1.25gm valine. Why is BCAA used? Its very simple, when ever the muscle or protein breakdown occurs, repair and recovery is most important and none other BCAA does it better. These amino acids play a vital role in protein synthesis, in other words, building muscle. How does it work? When the body is in catabolic state, body will use fat and muscle tissues as source of energy. This results in muscle loss. Ideally, muscle building must be higher than that of muscle loss. BCAA increases the rate of protein synthesis (muscle building) and helps in repairing muscle break which takes place diuring intensive workout routines. Now, let's see how BCAA helps ...

You just didn't know about L-Glutamine

Hi guys, in my first blog I had mentioned about four most important supplements required for people who workout - Muscle building 1) Whey protein 2) BCAA 3) Creatine and 4) L-Glutamine In this post I'm going to tell you more about benefits of L-Glutamine. I only knew that it helped in protein synthesis but it actually is an amino acid which is the building block of protein. In the fitness industry, L-Glutamine was taken to preserve muscle tissue, but it also has other amazing benefits. Our body requires L-Glutamine in abundance. All its benefits listed below: - It promotes muscle growth and preserves it; brain health, athletic performance and more - Fights cancer and blood sugar - L-Glutamine plays a vital role in gastro intestinal health since it is the nutrient for rebuilding and repair intestines. Keeps your gut healthy. - Decreases muscle wasting - Curbs cravings for sugar and alcohol - Improves metabolism and cellular detoxification - It helps in burning fat a...